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Stork life saver (task C.2)

The most dire time for young storks has just begun. Why? For most storks, their first flight will be their last. Some will die in a few days, and the majority in the next 2-3 months. Only 2 out of 10 birds will survive their first migration!

What is that so? Electric power grids pose the greatest threat to the stork population. They are responsible for the deaths of up to 60% of first-year birds. This is why, in our White Stork Protection Project carried out from the Life Fund, we secure the most dangerous elements of the power grid in 9 Natura 2000 areas in north-eastern Poland.

Some of the birds found recently can be seen below. It is saddening. The locations of the most dangerous poles will soon be transferred by us to the cooperating Białystok Branch of PGE Dystrybucja S.A. (PGE Group), and then secured with equipment specially designed by us for this purpose and constructed by HUBIX - live working. Our field research has confirmed the 100% effectiveness of this method. And most importantly, it is 10 times cheaper than the previous solution, i.e. the rebuilding of the pole.

If you see a dead stork by a utility pole, contact the nearest energy company and indicate this solution.

PS How do you find this idea?
