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New date for volunteering in Kalitnik!

1904batalionYou are welcome to join us — we have places for 5 people. We provide accommodation for volunteers in a modern station — beds, bedding, bathrooms with running hot water and a kitchen.

Between 25 and 29 April (Monday–Friday), we organize a volunteering opportunity in Kalitnik (a village in Podlasie, near Michałów).

As before, we will be repairing fences, patching holes in the fence and socializing the ponies.

In Kalitnik we have a herd of about 100 Polish Konik ponies, there are also new foals coming into the world, which need to be accustomed to people. We are going to work on site and in the pastures in the valley of the Narew and Supraśl rivers up to 30 km from the facility.

If you are able and willing to come, feel free to stay for a whole week or a few days.

We hosted 4 people in February. Thank you so much for your help. You are welcome to join us again.

Accommodation is provided at our station.

There will be PTOP employees on site, who will manage the works.

There is also a professional team for operating heavy equipment: tractors, chainsaws, etc.

Białystok is accessible by trains, Michałów can be reached by buses and minibuses — we will help you to get to our facility.

Kalitnik is a very small village — 4 homesteads, situated far from the highway, surrounded by forests and pastures.

Full of peace and quiet. A perfect place for someone who needs to get away for a while, chill out, relax, and recharge their batteries for the challenges ahead.

(We have phone reception and Internet connection here)

Contact details: Ten adres pocztowy jest chroniony przed spamowaniem. Aby go zobaczyć, konieczne jest włączenie w przeglądarce obsługi JavaScript.; 85 664 22 55.

Photo with a crowbar and Polish Konik ponies by Joanna Iwanicka.

